Train 2 EN4CE Project is being funded by the European Union’s Justice Programme (2014-2020)

Train 2 EN4CE Project is being funded by the European Union’s Justice Programme (2014-2020


 TRAIN2EN4CE: The project Train to Enforce is coordinated by the Faculty of Law University of Maribor with funding by the Justice Programme of the European Union. Numerous project activities will be conducted in order to improve the knowledge of EU instruments for cross-border collection of debt among practitioners, in particular European small claims procedure (Regulation No. 861/2007) and European order for payment procedure (Regulation No. 1896/2006). In addition to these instruments, linguistic barriers related to cross-border collection of debt will be addressed. The project activities which consist of 24 seminars and a webinar will be offered by training teams of academics from 7 EU Member States and 1 candidate State. Cross-border exchange of academics during the course of the seminars will ensure the transfer of good practices and the promotion of mutual trust in the administration of justice among Member States. Academics from the candidate State will - due to (as of yet) non-implementation of law instruments for cross-border collection of debt - participate in a “train the trainers” event. Cross-border exchange of academics will inter allia promote the creation of a network of trainers among project partners in Member States and the candidate State. The results of the project will not only be aimed at improving the knowledge of EU procedural law instruments for cross-border collection of debt of seminar participants, but will, with published materials, also promote self-learning on cross-border debt collection of lawyers who did not have time to attend the seminars.


Project partners

Faculty of law, University of Maribor, Slovenia
Leibniz University of Hannover, Germany
University of A Coruña, Spain
University of Graz, Austria
University of Rijeka, Faculty of Law, Croatia
University of Tirana, Albania
University of Trieste, Italy
Uppsala University, Sweden




The successful application was submitted within the Action grants to support transnational projects on judicial training covering civil law, criminal law or fundamental rights (European Union’s Justice Programme 2014-2020) by prof. Sara Tonolo as Leader of team partner. The project team also includes prof. Domenico De Stefano, prof. Francesca Fiorentini, prof. Marta Infantino, prof. Alessandra Frassinetti, prof. Giuseppe Pascale.


The project is designedto contribute to the effective and coherent application of EU law in the area of civil law by helping to address the training needs of justice professionals in the fields with regard to Regulation (EU) 2015/2421 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2015 amending Regulation (EC) No 861/2007 establishing a European Small Claims Procedure and Regulation (EC) No 1896/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 December 2006 creating a European order for payment procedure, applicable since July 2017, in particular the new provisions on service of documents and on oral hearings.


Target groups:

-          Legal practitioners (lawyers and judges)


Main activities:

  1. Study and analytical activities - collecting data, case studies (national, European, comparison), exchange of knowledge, data, information and experience among project partners. Within this framework, a survey will also be executed on the awareness of EU regulations and their application among law practitioners, expert/interest associations and the elaboration of the comparative synthesis of participating countries. Another possible activity is a research of which lawyers/solicitors are specialised for advocating in cases of cross-border monetary claims. The list of lawyers/solicitors would be beneficial for clients in all participating states. Similarly, a list (or a reference to existing lists) of court appointed translators/interpreters would reduce their concerns related to the use of foreign languages.
  2. Organisation of one international expert conference for the exchange of knowledge, data, experiences. The elaboration of expert publication - presentation of EU regulation, procedures, judicial cases, experiences and other.
  3. Preparation of the handbook with practical cases and good practices
  4. Organisation of interactive, practice-oriented seminars (including the implementation of training modules created by the European Commission on EU legislation in civil law).
  5. Creation of training content, whether for presential learning, blended learning or e‑learning, either ready-to-use by trainers or by practitioners for self-learning - development of IT tools.


Expected results:

-          Increased knowledge of EU civil, criminal and fundamental rights instruments among legal practitioners;

-          Improved mutual trust between legal practitioners in cross-border judicial cooperation;

-          Improved cooperation of training providers for different legal professions.





Year 1


TRAIN2EN4CE - The EU Regulation on the European order for payment procedure

TRAIN2EN4CE 1st ROUND TRAININGS - 4th December 2020 - 1st Webinar


TRAIN2EN4CE - The EU Regulation on the Small Claims Procedure

TRAIN2EN4CE 1st ROUND TRAININGS 26th February 2021 - 2nd Webinar



Year 2




TRAIN2EN4CE - EOPP and ESCP Regulations

 26th November 2021    


TRAIN2EN4CE - EOPP and ESCP Regulations 

27th November 2021







Ultimo aggiornamento: 16-03-2022 - 15:55